Next month, a bank owned by the people of Ireland will pay €1 billion to a bondholder. This is at the same time as the Minister for Health is implementing serious cuts to the people that need help the most. We are not seeing any cutbacks for politicians though. The same Minister is also in trouble over a debt of €1.9 million that he failed to pay. So much for the "new politics" promised by Enda Kenny. Kenny is no different to any of the FF leaders before him as he is a spoofer only interested in power.
On Tuesday 18th of September, the politicians return from their lengthy summer holidays. Its our duty to be at the gates when they return to give them a welcome back that they will never forget. Remember, these politicians do not rule us, they answer to us. This is our country and we elected them based on their promises to stop paying off bondholders and doing whatever the fascists in the EU tell them to do. Now its our time to show these politicians who really has the power in Ireland, us the citizens. We will not be lied to and treated like fools.
Next Tuesday, we will gather at the Garden of Remembrance at 1pm. We will then march to the Dail and demand answers from the crooked politicians that are responsible for wrecking our country. We are going to stay outside and make plenty of noise and let them know just who is boss. Please join us and show your support, bring whistles and drums and anything else that will make noise.
The fightback starts here, the resistance to the agenda of cuts begins. Its time the politicians did what they promised, because if they dont then we are coming after them and they will be very sorry.